Country Landscape and MTaPS’ Support

In Tanzania, the government reported the first case of COVID-19 in March 2020. The Ministry of Health (MOH) requested assistance from the USAID MTaPS program to quickly roll out infection prevention and control (IPC) COVID-19 training in health facilities unequipped to handle the influx of COVID-19 patients. MTaPS’ work toward defeating antimicrobial resistance (AMR) under the Global Health Security Agenda positioned the program to act swiftly in support of Tanzania’s COVID-19 response.

MTaPS’ ongoing work in multisectoral coordination and IPC in Tanzania facilitated the provision of rapid support to health facilities to manage COVID-19 IPC programs and IPC commodity shortages. The efforts included a capacity building component targeting health care workers’ ability to recognize, triage, and isolate suspected COVID-19 patients and to apply IPC precautions to keep workers and patients safe, such as managing health care waste and controlling facility access. Coordinating with national and international partners ensured that there was no overlap in activities, increased the efficiency of the country’s emergency response, and helped maximize training coverage. The program synergized its COVID-19 response with ongoing systems strengthening efforts in the country to sustainably build institutional and individual capacity to bolster Tanzania’s future pandemic preparedness.

Select Highlights 

Infection Prevention and Control and Case Management 

  • In collaboration with partners, reached 891 health care workers from 49 health facilities in the regions of Dar es Salaam, Mbeya, Morogoro, and Mwanza from May to September 2020
  • Developed, revised, and distributed standard operating procedures on COVID-19-related areas, providing health care workers with updated guidance on managing and containing infections
  • Updated and widely disseminated national IPC guidelines per WHO standards, leveraging partners such as USAID BoreshaAfya and the Global Fund, to maximize reach
  • Developed the capacity of 16 MOH officials to lead national-level IPC efforts
  • Provided IPC and service quality improvement focal persons from 10 regional and zonal hospitals with advanced training to manage facilities’ IPC programs effectively
  • Provided COVID-19 IPC training to 52 district and regional representatives on effective management of IPC programs to cascade down the knowledge and mentor others.

Indicators as of September 2023

Woman leading meeting




Facilitator presenting during the COVID IPC training in Tabora region, February 10, 2022

Photo credit: MTaPS Tanzania

Partners include:

  • Ministry of Health
  • FHI360

  • Global Fund



  • PACT


  • USAID BoreshaAfya

  • WHO