Improving access to quality health services
in Madagascar
Read More On June 13, 2024, USAID MTaPS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, USAID, and partners, gathered for MTaPS’ end of program event and celebrate the results to strengthen the management capacities and best practices in laboratories in Madagascar and to improve access to quality health services.
USAID MTaPS at the Global Health Security Conference 2024

At the recent Global Health Security Conference in Sydney, Australia, USAID MTaPS made significant contributions through impactful presentations. MTaPS team conducted a dynamic skills building workshop on evidence-based tools to combat AMR, and delivered presentations on multisectoral coordination, quality improvement, and infection prevention practices, while poster presentations highlighted work in antimicrobial stewardship and surveillance. These efforts underscored MTaPS' commitment to strengthening healthcare systems globally and advancing the fight against AMR.
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Celebrating six years of work in Senegal
Read More On June 25, 2024, USAID MTaPS celebrated the work achieved over the past 6 years with the Ministry of Health and Social Action, USAID, and partners in the fight to control and combat infections and to strengthen the capacities and systems to combat antimicrobial resistance. These critical steps will help improve health outcomes for the population of Senegal.
Group photo of people looking at the camera Read More USAID MTaPS Nepal convened the partners, including USAID and government counterparts, in a closeout event on January 22, 2024, to celebrate the joint achievements in strengthening Nepal’s pharmaceutical system, instituting global best practices in the public and private sectors, and containing antimicrobial resistance. As an implementer of USAID’s mandate, the MTaPS Program is proud to have partnered with Nepal to implement life-saving initiatives toward building resilient pharmaceutical systems for better health outcomes. Resilient Pharmaceutical Systems for Better Health

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