Training of Trainers Workshop on Infection Prevention and Control in Relation to COVID-19 in Mali
The USAID MTaPS Program provided technical and financial support to the General Directorate of Health and Public Hygiene (DGSHP), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), to organize a training of trainers on infection prevention and control (IPC) in relation to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The two training sessions were held at the DIAMCIS training center in Banancoroni, in the region of Koulikoro, May 4–8 and May 11-15, 2020.
There were 30 participants (27 men and 3 women) in the two sessions. These included doctors, pharmacists, and hygienists from the Regional Directorates of Health (DRS); the hospitals of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Ségou, Mopti, and Bamako; the Koutiala health district; the DGSHP; the National Institute of Public Health; the National Hospital Evaluation Agency; and WHO partners.
The participants were equipped with IPC skills, particularly on COVID-19, in accordance with WHO guidelines and using adult learning (andragogy) techniques. They were also trained on e-learning through the use of the Moodle platform. At the end of the workshop, all participants received a toolkit on a USB drive containing all necessary documents for the training.
Participant Testimonies on the IPC/COVID-19 Training
Ousmane Teme of the DGSHP/Sous-Direction Hygiène Publique et Salubrité:
This training is of the utmost importance, as: (i) IPC is the foundation of quality of care, (ii) when applied properly in healthcare and community settings, IPC allows the chain of transmission to be broken, and (iii) the proper application protects providers and their families, patients, companions, and visitors from contamination.
This training trainers on IPC allowed everyone to update their knowledge, thereby preventing them from falling into routine. It made it possible to have a group of well-equipped trainers who will be able to meet challenges, I am sure. It is up to us, the Sub-directorate of Public Hygiene to work to duplicate this training at all levels of the health pyramid and to ensure that this is followed by the application of the acquired knowledge (including standard and complementary precautions) and the adoption of attitudes and behaviors for change.
Brahima Sylla, Head of the hygiene division of the Koulikoro DRS:
This training was very beneficial for me, particularly in terms of applying the adult training (andragogy) technique and updating the IPC technical guidelines.
Dr. Hamidou M Dicko, Segou DRS:
I must admit that this training on IPC/COVID-19 will make it possible to significantly reduce the number of COVID-19 cases through sensitizing the population by promoting handwashing with soap and respecting barrier gestures. We will disseminate training documents to DRS targets and also conduct trainings of trainers at the regional level, which will allow us to train the Center Technical Directors at the district level in the region.
Disseminating this training will lead districts in the region to respect hygiene measures and barrier gestures and allow for proper management of healthcare waste from our health facilities. We will also continue the e-learning courses on COVID-19.