Quantification of Anti-Tuberculosis Commodities for September 2019–December 2022, Philippines

Published : November 20, 2023

The quantification covers all patients who are and will be using anti-TB commodities from the public sector, including patients who are notified and referred to public health facilities from the private sector. Anti-TB commodities considered include those for first- and second-line TB (i.e., drug-sensitive [DS] and drug-resistant [DR] TB) and latent TB infection (LTBI) treatments as well as GeneXpert machines. All DR-TB cases are assumed to get their medicines from the public sector, while some portion of DS-TB cases are assumed to get their medicines from the private sector.

The main objective of the quantification was to estimate the requirements of TB and ancillary medicine (such as pyridoxine) and GeneXpert machines for September 2019 to December 2022. The results of the quantification will be used for procurement and for planning, mobilizing, and securing financial resources.

Resource Type: Technical Reports
Resources Focus Area: Tuberculosis | Supply Chain
Geography: Philippines