USAID MTaPS Program at the 2021 GHTechX
The Global Health Science and Practice Technical Exchange (GHTechX) is an annual learning forum for global health researchers, practitioners, students, and professionals from a variety of technical areas. The 2021 GHTechX took place virtually from April 21 to April 24, 2021.
USAID MTaPS program hosted four sessions at the GHTechX to highlight global tools, innovations, and practical approaches in countries that are advancing access to quality-assured medical products, building countries’ capacities to contain antimicrobial resistance, and help them respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with sustainable gains.
Using Global Health Security Tools to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance
This presentation highlights the current and future threats posed by AMR, and explains the GHSA initiative and its use of two global tools to help raise country capacities in an evidence-based manner to contain AMR.
Watch the full webinar recording
Strengthening the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Capacity of Frontline Workers in the COVID-19 Response: E-Learning and Other Capacity Building Approaches
This session describes MTaPS’ experience implementing IPC interventions against COVID-19 in the midst of learning about the novel virus. During the session, the panelists described how MTaPS innovated and tailored capacity-building approaches to rapidly establish IPC committees and sustainably strengthen IPC practices in countries as part of USAID’s global response to the pandemic.
Download the presentation
Watch the remarks of Dr. Fanta Siby, Minister of Health and Social Development of Mali on the launch of the country’s e-learning platform on IPC
The Global Benchmarking Tool: Lessons Learned Strengthening National Medicines Regulatory Systems
National regulatory authorities are critical for ensuring access to quality-assured medical products, however, only 30% are adequately equipped to effectively regulate medical products. The WHO’s Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) could be a game-changer to shift the status quo on the regulatory capacities in countries for medicines and vaccines. Take a look at this presentation about the GBT tool and how it’s helping strengthen regulatory systems in Bangladesh and Rwanda.
Overcoming procurement and supply chain management challenges to mount an effective emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of the Philippines
This session highlighted the critical procurement and supply chain management challenges in the Philippines impeding the country’s emergency response to COVID-19 and how the national supply chain management system was rapidly and successfully reconfigured to overcome them.