45th Annual SAPICS Conference

June 11, 2023

June 11-14, 2023 | Cape Town, South Africa

Conference web page: https://conference.sapics.org/

From June 11-14, 2023, the USAID MTaPS Program will join the 45th Annual SAPICS Conference in Cape Town, South Africa. The SAPICS Annual Conference has been bringing together global supply chain professionals for 45 years to exchange ideas, experiences, and expertise in all things supply chain.

MTaPS’ Approaches and Tools for Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems

MTaPS will be hosting a workshop on Sunday, June 11 on systematically strengthening pharmaceutical systems to support health supply chain effectiveness. The workshop is intended to engage with global health supply chain and other stakeholders on situating health supply chain management within the broader context of pharmaceutical systems, to better understand what a systematic approach looks like, and its importance in achieving public health goals. The workshop will highlight a curated collection of tools, approaches, and country case studies and engage participants in the importance and application of shared resources in their work context, equipping them to be agents of change.


To access MTaPS’ library of approaches and tools for strengthening pharmaceutical systems, click here.

To access briefs on the four areas highlighted at MTaPS’ workshop, click on the links below.

Strengthening Regulatory Systems

Pharmaceutical Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Ensuring Quality and Safety in Pharmaceutical Systems: The Role of Good Governance

Containing Antimicrobial Resistance Through Stewardship

Type: Events