Published : August 14, 2020

EDT IconPharmaceutical service providers often lack the data they need to dispense the correct medicines in correct amounts as well as monitor the use and side effects of those medicines. Providers must be able to easily collect patient data and access patients’ medical history in order to optimize patient care, support management decisions, and appropriately manage stock.

What Is the Electronic Dispensing Tool?

The Electronic Dispensing Tool (EDT) helps pharmaceutical providers accurately dispense medicines by collecting, managing, and generating the necessary data, including:

  • Patient profiles and medicine history
  • Medicines inventory
  • Patient statistics needed for management decisions


  • Inventory best practices: facilitates use of industry-established best practices for managing stock, including incoming and outgoing medicines
  • SMS alerts: reminds patients about appointments
  • Multiple user access: allows multiple users to work on the same database at the same time
  • Built-in reporting for medicine usage: enables users to report adverse drug events, medication errors, and drug usage information
  • Importable/exportable databases: allows data to be transferred to Excel and other platforms
  • Multi-calendar conversion: supports Ethiopian, Nepali, and Gregorian calendars
  • Adjustable user privileges: allows user access to data to be restricted
  • HIV & malaria program compatibility: provides reporting functions for national HIV and malaria programs
  • Report customization: allows customized reporting by product
  • Open access: the country can provide access to trained health care workers as needed
Resource Type: Pharma Systems Tools