Improving the Quality of Pharmaceutical Services to Enhance Treatment Outcomes

Published : May 22, 2020

Effective pharmaceutical services enhance patient outcomes and satisfaction by improving responsiveness to patients’ needs and contexts, reducing wastage, and maximizing efficiency. For example, with support from MSH, national stakeholders in Ethiopia successfully institutionalized clinical pharmacy services in hospitals to improve patient safety and outcomes. Pharmacists at six participating hospitals identified 79 treatment errors at the point of service between October and December 2016, all of which were immediately corrected. 

USAID MTaPS applies systems-based approaches using proven tools, interventions, and quality improvement methodologies to strengthen in-country capacity and enhance patient-centered pharmaceutical care. In doing so, MTaPS embeds the culture of quality of care emphasized by the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Health Organization, and other global and national bodies.

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Resource Type: Factsheets
Resources Focus Area: Pharmaceutical Services